
Anonymous Insta Stories Viewer

StoriesIG is a free app that allows you to watch and download any Insta stories, posts, reels or photos without limitations. With StoriesIG  tool, only with few clicks it will help you to view Instagram stories anonymously and quickly without having account and no need to install any software.

Watch Insta Stories Anonymously and stalk IG Profiles with StoriesIG


It is not required to make Inta account. You can view account author’s stories, reels videos and other public information without installing any app.

You can use our Instastoriesviewer for free. You can watch IG stories, reels, status or posts anonymously for no cost and on any device such as desktop, tablet or mobile (iOS Android).

Why Choose StoriesIG for Anonymous Instagram Stories Viewer


100% Anonymity - Safe and Free

The account owner does not see your data in their views statistics. So 100% secure for you.


No Account Required

There is no need to make an IG account. You can also have the option to watch account stories, reels and other multimedia publications without registration anything.

All Devices & OS Support

You can view and download Insta stories, posts, reels and other info for free on any device: desktop, tablet or smart phone (iOS or Android)

How to Use StoriesIG Viewer

Step 1. Find username profile you want to watch
Step 2. Get username of IG profile
Step 3. Paste username viewer box
Step 4. You'll get full profile info including IG username, ID and options to view stories anonymously or download locally in your device.

StoriesIG Key Features

Stories IG viewer is the best app to watch Insta stories without registration online without getting yourself exposed. Here are some of the top features:

That’s all you need to use StoriesIG to view anyone’s Instagram stories, photos, reels, videos, likes, followers and status.

You can also save all photos, reels videos, posts which are public by the user. All is anonymous and free.


Easy of Use
Download & Viewing Speed
Additional features

Using StoriesIG viewer is 100% safe and legal as we use official Instagram API and doesn’t steal any data or hack into anything. You can use StoriesIG 100% free of cost and you don’t need to pay for anything – you simply get free, unlimited use to stalk your crush, check your bestie’s profile, spy on your ex and have all the fun you want.